May is for Mental Health

By May 27, 2022 No Comments

Last month we examined our stress levels for National Stress Awareness Month and this month it is time to once again take a pause and check in with our mental health. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and it is recognized all over the country as one of the most important yet often overlooked illnesses. 

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one in five U.S. adults lives with a mental illness and those numbers can be even higher in urban areas like Silicon Valley. For years it has been looked down upon in our society to openly talk about mental health. People have been afraid to admit they are struggling and even more afraid to ask for help, especially in highly stressful and highly competitive environments. There was a multi-year period prior to COVID where Silicon Valley was in the news not for groundbreaking innovations, but for the large number of people who were committing suicide and living unhealthy lifestyles. 

However, the tide is turning. As society starts to shift to a more open conversation regarding mental health, the stigma that often comes with it is beginning to break. Celebrities like Beyoncé and well-known media personalities such as Carson Daly have begun speaking out about their own personal experiences and struggles with mental health. People are realizing that they are not alone in their battles and that the “picture perfect” life we so often see depicted on social media is oftentimes not a reality. 

COVID was interesting because it placed a heavy toll on people’s mental health, but at the same time it also provided some with a much-needed break. During a time that was unlike anything most people had ever experienced, many began to reevaluate their life choices. Where they lived, where they worked, who they chose to live life with — all of it was suddenly on the table. The pandemic provoked a lot of discussion surrounding mental health and the dangerous implications of ignoring it. 

As more and more offices switch to a remote or hybrid work setting, people are realizing the benefits of a healthier work/life balance. Employees are seeking out positions at companies that promote a positive workplace culture with a certain degree of flexibility. Companies are starting to adjust their norms and expectations to encourage self care, as it truly is in the best interest of everyone. Happier and healthier employees are the most productive employees. 

BOCA takes mental health seriously and works hard to give our team ample opportunities to take a step back and care for themselves. This upcoming holiday weekend we are closing our doors for an extra day so that we can all decompress and spend time with our family and friends. It is so important to conduct regular wellness checks with yourself and even with your loved ones. If you are feeling overwhelmed or in need of support, speak up and ask for help!! Let’s break the mental health stigma. 

#bocalife #breakthestigma

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