BOCAteer Spotlight: Meet India!

By January 29, 2022 No Comments

Why did you choose PR as a career?
I am an avid reader so naturally my love for words led me to a career that focuses on storytelling. I started my career in book publicity building brand awareness campaigns for authors across the U.S. That role opened my eyes to what a PR career could entail. 

I’ve been working in communications for seven years now and writing is still my favorite aspect of the job. I’m able to think and write creatively, and tell stories in the media in a compelling way. 

What drew you to BOCA?
I was introduced to BOCA by a recruiter and they shared the agency was seeking a writer. BOCA offered a position that aligned with my career aspirations and experience in B2B tech PR. The agency has a specialized content department which provides a great opportunity to advance my writing career. 

Other reasons: the flexibility of work and clear values alignment with the agency. 

What is your favorite part of your job?
Bringing client’s stories to life and the constant state of learning. 

The entire content development process is rewarding — the brand discovery phase, industry research, brainstorming ideas and building out the narrative. I enjoy connecting the dots from what my client does to current news and trends. 

What do you do for fun?
When I’m not writing for BOCA clients, you can find me writing for myself. Mostly short stories or pieces about music I love. I also practice photography to express my creativity visually. 

What’s your favorite show?
So many favorites. Right now, I’m rewatching “The Wilds” and “Money Heist.” 

What’s the most interesting place you’ve traveled to and why?
Cape Coast, Ghana. I traveled there with students from my university’s service learning program to work with Global Mamas, a Ghana-based nonprofit focused on sustainable growth, women’s empowerment and prosperity. We provided consulting and marketing services to help grow their presence in the region. It was a transformative experience and left me with a deeper understanding of Ghana’s history, culture and customs.

Would you rather be a ninja or a pirate? Why?
Definitely a ninja. Ninjas are adept at critical thinking, self-awareness and finding the optimal solution to complex problems. Training to become a ninja would equip me with valuable skills I can use in my work and personal life. 

Tell us something interesting about yourself that we might not guess.
Fun facts: I played Gabriella in my school’s production of High School Musical. I wrote my first book in 2020. I’m a huge fan of coming of age films.

If you weren’t in PR, what would you do?
Something music-related. Perhaps a scout that discovers emerging artists or a job that intersects music and visual arts.

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